
When you bring something new onto the market, you want to eliminate quality and safety risks. After all, your potential customers or clients need to be able to trust your product, component, (raw) material or its application. In other words, they'll have to be confident that it reliably performs the way it is supposed to, compliant with local and international rules and regulations. Kiwa's independent, fully equipped and highly qualified testing labs and services bring that trust.

Services (3 results)
NDT inspection of aircraft & aircraft components

Make sure that quality demands are being met with expert NDT inspection for the aerospace industry. Our staff are certified NDT technicians for aircraft and aircraft components.

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Cement and Concrete Testing

We perform testing on cement and concrete

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Måling med Akselerometer

Kiwa har Norges mest omfattende system for måling med akselerometer. Dette systemet auomatiserer store deler av prosessen noe som gir ekstremt nøyaktige målinger og rask leveringstid

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