Expertise is required for expert assessment of the quality of fresh fruit and vegetables. Affinity with the fresh produce sector and products and a thorough knowledge of it are the most important tools of any inspector, quality controller or fresh produce quality assurance employee. Kiwa AQS helps you obtain this knowledge, with a complete training offer for inspectors or employees of quality care.
As a (novice) inspector or quality controller, you can increase your knowledge at Kiwa AQS with an industry-recognized training to become an inspector or employee quality assurance fruit and vegetables. Kiwa AQS has been designated by the Dutch sector organization 'Handel Groeit' as the official trainer for this recognized training.
The course is made up of product (P) and general (A) modules. The product and general modules can also be taken separately. Upon successful completion of a module, the student will receive a certificate.
The product modules cover a large number of aspects, such as cultivation methods, harvesting and packaging, storage conditions, trade flows and quality standards. The focus is of course on recognizing and acknowledging common diseases and (quality) defects in products.
The practical testing of the products is an important part of the product modules and can be directly applied in practice. The highly informative company visits, at cultivation companies, trading companies or sorting and packing stations, are an integral part of every product module.
On the ‘Handel Groeit’ website (Dutch) you can read under which conditions you can apply for a subsidy for this training.
The trainers of Kiwa AQS have a wealth of practical experience and have been active for many years as fruit and vegetable inspectors or quality controllers. As a result, they not only have a great deal of knowledge of the products, but they also know better than anyone what happens in the various links of the fruit and vegetable chain. We share this knowledge with other fresh produce professionals through coaching, training and education.