Become GDPR proficient with the Information Security and Privacy e-learning! The ‘Information Security and Privacy’ e-learning is intended for everyone who deals with data and/or personal information on a daily basis. During the e-learning, course participants are informed about the GDPR and its effects on working with privacy sensitive information.
The GDPR, which is officially in force since 25 May 2018, is important for everyone who works with personal data on a daily basis. The GDPR therefore dictates that organisations must inform their employees about the way in which they can handle privacy-sensitive data responsibly and reliably in their daily work. The ‘Information Security and Privacy’ e-learning by Kiwa Training is a useful tool in this.
The ‘Information Security and Privacy’ e-learning is intended for everyone who deals with data and/or personal information on a daily basis. During the e-learning, course participants are informed about the GDPR and its effects on working with privacy sensitive information. This training covers topics such as the basic principles of the GDPR and data breaches (and their effects on the daily work). The goal of this e-learning is to make course participants, where and when they want to, more aware of the new privacy legislation and its effects for their own professional practice.
Do you want to register multiple people at once for this e-learning? You will receive an attractive discount when registering at least 10 participants. Contact us for further information!
The ‘Information Security and Privacy’ e-learning costs €19.95 excl. 21% VAT.