Kiwa has a proven track record of excellent response time and cost-efficiency. We will make the approval process as smooth as possible, by tailoring it to your specific needs and demands. Finally, we will ensure that all your goals are identified, understood and met.
The services we provide include:
- Australian & New Zealand gas and electrical appliance approval (AS / IEC);
- Chinese gas and electrical appliance approvals (CCGas/CQC);
- European gas and electrical appliance approval (GAD/LVD/EMC/RED);
- North American & Canadian gas and electrical appliance approval (ANSI / UL/ NSF);
- North American Energy Star approval;
- North American Sanitation approval (NSF);
- Worldwide approval series for wireless and telecom devices (RED/FCC/ISED/ etc.);
- Worldwide electrical approval (CB scheme);
- Russian and Ukrainian approvals (EAC/etc.)
Your input is important for us because it allows us develop new services, such as approval schemes for other countries or continents. Depending on your (production) location, our services are best provided through a Kiwa partner of your choice, for example in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Turkey, China or the United Kingdom.
We will take care of all your testing and certification issues. We will be happy to provide you with any additional information you might need, so please contact us!