It verifies that the industry is meeting its obligations under the appropriate feed safety related legislation and codes of practice, in maintaining safety in the feed and food chain.
UFAS is open to all businesses engaged in the following activities:
- Merchanting of assured feed ingredients and compound feeds including blends, equine feeds and complementary feeds. It also covers merchanting and storage of assured and non-assured combinable crops for non-feed/food uses.
- Production of all compound feeds, including blends, equine feeds, complementary feeds and premixtures, as well as the marketing of all feeds.
- Storage, packing, loading, transport and delivery of feeds and combinable crops including on behalf of third parties.
The UFAS Standard encompasses all the operations and activities of a participant that may have a bearing on the safety and specifications of the feed supplied and covers:
- Legislation
- HACCP and Documentation
- Selection and Approval of Feeds and Feed Suppliers
- Suppliers of Subcontracted Services
- Sales, Formulations and Labels
- Premises, Equipment, Personnel and Own Transport
- Operations
- Sampling and Analysis
- Complaints, Recall and Feed Safety Controls
- Traceability and Records
- Feeds Containing Controlled Products (VMPs and SFAs)