
Projects range from modelling the costs and carbon-saving of hydrogen production systems, to assessing the energy efficiency of low-carbon heating technologies. We work with time series data on the order of seconds up to years, making processing impractical using traditional spreadsheets.

We use open data (such as weather or population) to augment customer data, allowing analyses to be future-proof and maximising value for money. We can also supplement theoretical models and data collected in the field with laboratory testing. Our world-leading facilities and modelling expertise allow us to dynamically simulate heat loads (such as space heating and hot water) with a real-world heat pump, biomass boiler, or other technology.

Projects include:


  • Modelling energy efficiency of biomass boilers for UK Government, using supplementary laboratory testing to understand patterns observed in field trial data in greater detail. Our approach allowed for inexpensive equipment to be deployed in the field, with more sophisticated monitoring in the lab, delivering a cost-effective yet comprehensive model.
  • Assessing the feasibility of a renewable hydrogen-from-wind system on behalf of a UK energy supplier. We modelled different wind and temperature scenarios and assessed how these would impact both generation and demand over a 20-year period with different combinations of electrolyser and storage technologies. CAPEX and OPEX breakdowns allowed for net present value and levelised cost of energy to be calculated and used to differentiate the scenarios.