Therefore, emergency lighting’s primary objective is to guarantee the safety of occupants in the event of a power failure.
The Bouwbesluit outlines requirements for the application of emergency lighting and egress route signage. Hence, it is important to engage knowledgeable parties. Kiwa R2B has all the required emergency lighting expertise. Kiwa R2B assesses the basic assumptions for the emergency lighting as well as the design data to determine whether emergency lighting meets the objective.
Kiwa FSS conducts inspections on site to determine whether the system installed complies with the basic assumptions and whether system management and maintenance is carried out correctly.
Why Kiwa Fire Safety & Secuirty (Kiwa FSS)?
Kiwa FSS is a leading Inspection Institution in the area of Fire Safety and Security, providing services with expertise, flexibility, customer-focus and innovative attitude. We conduct inspections and provide training maintaining our fully independent, unbiased and fair position.
Kiwa FSS operates in a wide range of facilities, including health care, tunnels, logistical, industrial, (petro) chemical, data centres, airports, storage of hazardous goods and hotels.