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What you need to know
- Pre-commissioning inspection
A pre-commissioning inspection is mandatory for each region under a European directive. Vinçotte's experts carry out this inspection and advise you on any measures to be taken. The rules differ from region to region: - In Wallonia
In Wallonia, the inspection for power ratings over 400 Kw must be carried out by an approved body. Periodic maintenance is also mandatory, and is offered by Vinçotte. - In the Flemish Region and the Brussels-Capital Region:
In both regions, maintenance must be carried out first. - Heating system audits
Vinçotte experts also carry out heating system audits to help you consume less energy while maintaining the same level of comfort...
Thanks to this service, you can be sure of complying with current regional regulations. You can also be sure that your boiler and heating systems are operating optimally, and that they pose no risk of CO poisoning.
Finally, you ensure that the energy you have purchased is used optimally and with high efficiency.