Give us a call
This service is primarily aimed at :
- building managers
- industries/companies
- public boards of directors responsible for engineering structures (bridges, etc.)
- private individuals
What you need to know
Our experts offer a wide range of services:
- building pathology (both shell and finish)
- assessing the stability of buildings and engineering structures
- selection of appropriate repair, renovation or maintenance methods
- on-site monitoring of renovation and repair work to ensure proper execution
- state-of-the-art inspection methods and techniques for destructive and non-destructive testing
- possible improvements to existing buildings (mini audit), insulation, external joinery, HVAC, etc.
- control of building ageing processes (water towers, parking lots, warehouses, facades, etc.)
- analysis of building damage (cracks, moisture problems, detachment of coatings, etc.)
- inspection and analysis of deterioration in wooden structures
Vinçotte provides you with a detailed report covering the various findings, as well as an assessment of the causes, possible repair methods, maintenance instructions, etc. All are illustrated by photos and, where appropriate, measurement and test results.