Compliance with State and Federal environmental laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), can be a daunting task for project owners and their engineers. Raba Kistner, which has one of the leading environmental consulting teams in the Southwestern United States, has successfully navigated complex projects led by numerous state and federal agencies.
We are committed to excellent customer service, which extends to the entire project team and throughout the project duration.
Our environmental planning and permitting services include:
- Clean Water Act (Section 404) and Rivers & Harbors Act (Section 10) Compliance (streams and wetlands)
- Ecological Condition Assessments (e.g. Texas Rapid Assessment Method – TXRAM)
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Environmental Impact Document (EID) (TWDB)
- Environmental Report (ER) (USDA)
- Categorical Exclusion (CE)
- Environmental Assessment (EA)
- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
- Environmental Review Record for (GLO/HUD Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery [CDBG-DR])
- Environmental Narrative (EDA)
- Migratory Bird Treaty Act Compliance
- Master Planning Support (Ecological)
- Presidential Permits
- Public Involvement/Community Outreach
- Threatened and Endangered Species Assessments
- Traffic Noise Analysis