This scheme is for farm attractions in the UK. It is designed to suit attractions of all scales and complexities, and provides an assurance of safety, quality and value that is essential when marketing your attraction.
Why has the scheme been set up?
The scheme has been set up at the request of the National Farm Attraction Network (NFAN) to highlight the high standards achieved by all their members, and promote ongoing comment to meeting the Codes of Practice which underpin the scheme requirements.
What does the scheme cover?
The scheme covers all areas relating to animals large and small; contact and non-contact areas; feed storage and medicine facilities (if applicable); staff facilities; good signage and hand washing facilities.
Why enrol in the scheme?
It shows commitment to achieving and maintaining a high standard of biosecurity to the public.
What is involved?
An annual visit will take place at your convenience and should take between 2-3 hours depending on size of site. The visit will involve a site tour of the relevant areas and a document check. Once any issues have been rectified a certificate will be issued to show compliance with the scheme.
Kiwa is highly respected in the Agri Food industry, and is a 5* Certification Body for the BRCGS, is accredited by the AIC and works with bodies such as the Soil Association. We provide certification services to the Agrifood industry in the UK, Europe and the Americas. Our farm team has considerable experience in the Agrifood Industry and offers a professional and friendly service.