Training requirements SERMI certification
While applying for a SERMI certificate, you must be able to present a number of requirements. There is also a training requirement for the Independent Operator employee (IOe). The mechanic should have more than 2 years of experience as an automotive mechanic or have successfully followed the following (national) training:
- Austria/Germany: KFZ Techniker/KFZ Mechatroniker Lehrabschlussprüfung;
- Belgium: Enseignement secondaire professionnel;
- France: En attente de validation par le COFRAC;
- Ireland: Level 6 on the national framework;
- Italy: Diploma ad indirizzo tecnologico di scuola secondaria di secondo grado;
- The Netherlands: Autotechnicus niveau 2;
- Sweden: Fordons- och transportprogrammet Grade A or Ämne - Personbilar - service och underhållsteknik (Gymnasieskolan) – Skolverket Grade C.