Performance of the test according to
IEC 60079-0:2019-09
Here at Kiwa Primara, we perform “Transferred charge test” according to DIN EN IEC 60079-0:2019-09 Clause 26.17 (IEC 60079-0:2017) and DIN EN ISO 80079-36:2016-12 Annex D (ISO 80079-36:2016).
Before the test, the samples are cleaned and conditioned for at least 24 hours. To ensure proper results of this phenomena, all the units are being tested by using at least five different materials that include both positive and negative end of triboelectric series such as cotton, polyurethane, wool, leather and corona electrode. If requested, in agreement with the customer, additional materials can be included for this test.
Together with the “Transferred charge test”, we also recommend the “Surface resistance test on the parts of enclosures of non-metallic materials” according to DIN EN IEC 60079-0:2019-09 Clause 26.13 (IEC 60079-0:2017) and DIN EN ISO 80079-36:2016-12 Clause 8.4.8 (ISO 80079-36:2016). Kiwa applies the additional procedure to get more information for a better assessment of the products.