What you need to know:
Bird Friendly is a standard established by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (SMBC). The SMBC is part of the National Zoo, which is located in Washington, D.C. (USA). The Bird Friendly Standard is one of the most stringent of the third-party certified environmental standards. SMBC's Bird Friendly certification is the only one with a 100% guarantee of organic agroforestry habitat for wild birds.
Farmers, roasters, traders, and consumers who wish to source coffee beans from strictly controlled shade-grown farms that produce a high quality specialty coffee can find more information here:
Farmers & Roasters, traders, and consumers
A Birdfriendly certification with Kiwa BCS Öko-Garantie GmbH:
Organic certification is the basis for participation in the Bird Friendly program. Producers and processors certified to the Bird Friendly Standard must have their certification renewed every three years. This ensures continued compliance with the Bird Friendly requirements. Importers, traders, and roasters who wish to use the BF logo on their packaging and other marketing material must pay a small license fee to Bird Friendly.
Your benefits
- Key role in local and global conservation work
- Access to gourmet markets, regardless of farm size
- Mitigation of climate change and protection of crops from extreme weather conditions through shade trees
- Protection of soil and water resources through agroforestry environments
- Additional income from products grown under Bird Friendly shade trees, such as fruits, honey, and timber