What is Product Certification
In 2010, Global Certification Pty Ltd (a company part of the Kiwa-Compass family) was requested to endorse a Product Certification Scheme that would permit certification under AS/NZS 1546.1:2008, AS/NZS 1546.2:2008, AS/NZS 1536.3:2008, AS 1546.3:2017, AS 1546.4:2016, SA MP 101:2017, AS/NZS 4766 and related standards, as applicable, under ISO/IEC 17065.
This program sets out requirements for the certification of on-site sewerage facilities and water storage tanks in areas generally not served by sewerage systems. To achieve product certification, the same procedures for a Management Systems Certification are used, this is due to the relationships between 17021 and 17065. This allows our auditors to evaluate the availability of staff and other resources to achieve the planned assessment. In most cases due to variability, complexity, and various government interpretations, your Product Evaluation Plan will be established at the commencement of the process. The preparation of your plan is assisted by the determined certification scope, quotation & GC002 Contract/Application Form, Approved User Agreement for Certification, the client's Company Product Plan (if applicable), and locations for each product to be evaluated. The production evaluation plan is undertaken in a two-stage process for the initial assessment and the ongoing surveillance and recertification program.
Why Choose Product Certification
To ensure the effectiveness of our product certification we go to great lengths to ensure we maintain fairness, remain up to date on industry developments, and assess our team to ensure they maintain the highest and fairest service possible.
To ensure we maintain fairness, a committee meets to review the effectiveness of the schemes and manage any risks which may affect impartiality. Additionally, representatives from the wastewater treatment and rainwater collection systems industry are invited to attend committee meetings to ensure the scheme retains its effectiveness.
Any laboratory testing is conducted by a NATA-accredited laboratory or equivalent as noted under the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Mutual Recognition Agreement (ILAC MRA). All our onsite testing is conducted by the sampler as per the Guidelines set in your Evaluation Plan.
To ensure the effectiveness of our team and contractors we have installed requirements for which all persons involved in your certification process must adhere to. Laboratories used to test your samples must hold a NATA accreditation (ISO/IEC 17025) or identified recognition under the ILAC MRA. When samples are being extracted, they are done so under controlled conditions, this normally requires them to be taken by an independent person or assessor whom we have deemed competent and independent. Samples are then sent to approved laboratories in a way that ensures samples are clearly identified, sent in the most direct route possible, and in conditions that will not affect the accuracy of the results. These steps are adhered to best ensure your sample avoids any probability of being contaminated and affecting your chances of obtaining a Product Certification.
Benefits of Product Certification
Product certification is a benchmark for product quality. Choosing product certification ensures your product goes through a vigorous but fair certification process that ensures your product is certified to the highest standard. This allows customers to know your product is safe and reliable as you have taken all necessary precautions to eliminate all known risks.
Product certification allows your product to stand out in the marketplace which comes with a multitude of benefits such as:
- Ability to win over distributors.
- Increased revenue.
- Enhanced reputation.
- Reduction in faulty products.
- Increased product consistency.
- Increased marketability
- May be required to be sold by certain distributors or in certain sectors of the market.